Barbara de Waard
Bsc (Lancaster) Msc (Cass Business School) MCIM
is the Founder of
Biodiversity Business
“Having worked in international marketing for more than 30 years, I have witnessed the rise of over-consumption.
The marketing mindset, combined with global capitalism, has become the paradigm for international business.
But with the world population racing towards 9 billion, it is obvious that this is not sustainable“
Barbara de Waard, 2013
Barbara de Waard is a Marketing Professional and Lecturer with a long career in international business and communication, which spanned both private, public and non-profit in Europe and Asia. She is also a lifelong supporter of animal welfare and conservation, and has been combining her considerable business expertise with her passion for wildlife since 2007. This blog has been inspired by her Masters research project into Tiger Conservation and Business.
Click the link to read her full research Report ‘Re-inventing Capitalism to save the Tiger’